Currently, in the field of cleaning services, the topic of staff training is very actual.
This problem is important both for cleaning companies and for hotels, condominiums, any other organizations where cleaning is an important part of functionality.

In almost every commercial offer of the hotel or condominium there is a high-quality cleaning service item.
Companies promise to use well-trained personnel and high-quality services.
However, staffs have low qualifications and don't meet expectations.

What benefit will get hotels, condominiums and other companies after training for cleaners?

Get additional profit from the provision of quality services
Optimize the number of cleaners and improve their qualifications
Save money at the expense of saving detergents
Maintain a high level of cleanliness without the involvement of third-party companies
Get good reviews and attract new customers due to the quality and number of services
Save money on the repair of equipment, after training staff how to use correctly


Hotels hiring low qualifications personnel lose time and reputation, which means future customers and money.


Condominiums that can make a profit from high-quality cleaning services, subject to the right organization of labor, lose money and time.


Cleaning companies are irrationally using their employees and get bad reviews due to poor quality cleaning.


Trading companies lose customers due to dustiness and unpleasant odor in stock warehouses.

What companies lose money due to low qualifications of cleaners?

Reviews of the cleanliness of premises, quality of services and goods are an important choice factor. Internet information is transmitted instantly. If feedback is bad, then customers will choose competitors.

What is the qualifications of your cleaners?

Over the past few weeks, we had several times to talk about the importance of conducting trainings for cleaners. The cause of problems was bad work cleaners. We asked about the existence of an training program for staff, but they answered that only staff with experience were hired.
They could not answer the question about the methodology for checking experience and timing of scheduled checkers of employee qualifications. We argue that if you are not engaged in training your staff, then you will systematically deal with the problems of the quality of cleaners.
Often, the experience of the cleaner is determined as the total period of work in this position. Are you sure that the experience of this employee is correct? Knowledge and skills of this employee really have practical value for your company? And how does the worker using own experience?

Why learning of cleaning technologies give benefits?

Cleaning technology saves money

So, suppose your staff makes cleaning daily. And the quality of such cleaning does not comply with the standards. Ultimately, you will need to order the services of a professional cleaning company for deep cleaning.
It will cost more and the likelihood of getting a low quality service is great. Most cleaning companies don't train staff. In 'Hello, Cleany!' staff training is mandatory.
We'll check the skills of your employees and, if necessary, teach their cleaning technologies.

Reducing time and improving quality saves money

What happens if you do not know how many time need for a particular type of work? What happens if you do not have standards for cleaning certain types of premises?
The answer is simple. You do not know what your cleaners do. They can create the visibility of work and quality will be low.
With technological maps and the norms of cleaning, your employees will be able to clean much more and better, and time to spend much less.
We will help determine the norms specifically for your premises.

Proper use of technical equipment saves money

If cleaners do not know how to handle modern equipment, then you will lose money again. Equipment skills - mandatory requirement for a regular cleaner. No special equipment is impossible for high-quality cleaning.
Do you really want to choose between smeared mud on the floor and broken expensive vacuum cleaner? We believe that you are worthy of the best.
We'll train your employees safely and efficiently use equipment for cleaning.
In addition, we'll make an audit of the existing equipment and give recommendations for replacing, repairing or acquiring new equipment.

Proper use of detergents saves money

Do your cleaners know what detergents and disinfectants to apply with different types of pollution? Do they understand the difference between acid and alkaline detergents?
Do you have a flow rate of detergents? Do you keep accounting? If not, then the likelihood is that you buy detergents not only for the needs of your company. Worth checking out.
We'll teach you to rationally use special chemicals.

What should modern staff know?

Have the skills of technological cleaning for various types of premises;
To plan the sequence of work on the object of cleaning correctly;
Understand how to allocate working time for different types of work; 
Understand what is a high-quality cleaning and know the quality control method;
Know how to choose and apply detergents and disinfectants correctly;
Have the skills of safe use of cleaning equipment;
Be able to correctly use personal protective equipment; 
Having skills and know customer communication rules;

You can improve your cleaning services today!

Optimize cleaning time and make the Housekeeping Department profitable!

We'll teach your employees use modern methods and standards of work in just a month

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© 2019-2025 Hello, Cleany! - Clean4U
Pattaya - Chonburi - Laem Chabang - Siracha